Watch my life unravel...
Posted by Zoom! on June 24, 2011, at 10:29 am |
This morning my friend Grace shared a link to an article by Lisa Bloom called How to Talk to Little Girls.
In it, Ms. Bloom acknowledges her first instinct when meeting little girls is to tell them how cute they are, since they generally are awfully cute. But she doesn’t allow herself to do that, […]
Posted by Zoom! on June 20, 2011, at 10:46 am |
We had perfect weather here in Ottawa yesterday, which only happens about once every 42 years. It was sunny and warm, not hot, with a cool breeze, and the humidity was only 45%.
In the early evening we went for a walk: Logan the Dog out in front, then GC, me, and Oboe the Lovebird […]
Posted by Zoom! on May 16, 2011, at 9:24 am |
Kazoo and Oboe
I got all the birds’ vet tests back last week, and everybody’s healthy.
The big news is that Kazoo was DNA-sex-tested. With most parrots, including Double Yellow-Headed Amazons, you can’t tell the boys from the girls by looking – even by looking very, very closely. Even a vet can’t tell. They don’t […]
Posted by Zoom! on May 6, 2011, at 6:49 am |
This is what Kazoo thinks of Stephen Harper.
For the record, this was not staged. I didn’t even notice that Harper and the other candidates were lining his cage until I went to change the paper today.
Nor did I unduly influence Kazoo with my own well thought out and strongly held opinions; he and I […]
Posted by Zoom! on April 28, 2011, at 12:34 pm |
Oboe, my little lovebird, gets to come downstairs and hang out with the big birds and me a couple times each day, while Duncan’s outside. He doesn’t waste a second of that time.
I’m convinced that lovebirds are the border collies of the bird world. They’re active, agile, energetic, cheerful and clever, and they’re always […]
Posted by Zoom! on April 19, 2011, at 7:33 am |
My blogging software automatically detects spam comments and keeps them in a separate file for me, so I can go through them later and verify that they are indeed spam.
The vast majority really are spam. They have nothing to do with the content of the blog posts, and their sole purpose is to try […]
Posted by Zoom! on April 11, 2011, at 7:43 am |
We all love Kazoo’s showers.
Posted by Zoom! on April 7, 2011, at 8:26 am |
You most likely don’t know this about captive birds in the Springtime, but they masturbate. Simon doesn’t yet because he’s just a baby. And Oboe doesn’t because he’s saving himself for true love, which he optimistically believes is just around the corner.
But Kazoo does, several times each day.
As soon as the days started […]
Posted by Zoom! on April 4, 2011, at 9:05 am |
We picked up Simon Taylor Grey, the baby African Grey parrot, from the breeder on Saturday morning.
Remember how I cried every time I sold a lovebird? Well, the breeder cried as we were leaving. I know the feeling, but I was surprised that she still feels it after all these years and all these […]
Posted by Zoom! on March 22, 2011, at 9:48 am |
GC took this picture of me, Kazoo and Oboe this morning. That’s not mold all over my kitchen cabinets, by the way; it’s the camera app’s grunge effect.
You can’t see them in that picture, but Duncan and Logan are in the kitchen too. We have an unspoken rule in this house that if one […]
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