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Simon Says!

They say you should never get an African Grey parrot because of their famous speaking abilities. It’s not fair to the parrot, and besides, there’s no guarantee that the African Grey you get will actually talk, unless of course you adopt an already-speaking adult, which is a very good idea.

While African Greys on the whole […]

Next thing I knew, the duck was mine

Yesterday afternoon I walked right into an unfolding crisis on Fisher Avenue.

The scene, as I approached, involved a man stopping rush-hour traffic while he retrieved an injured duck from the middle of the road. She and her mate had been paddling in a puddle, when a woman passing by with a dog startled them, and […]

The right place at the right time

First off, I’m happy to report that Cindy Lou was found and captured on Friday afternoon as she was running down the Queensway! It’s a miracle she wasn’t killed. Two police officers were trying to catch her when someone from Genesis Dog Rescue came along and managed to snag her to safety. She did not […]

Feeding Time at the Zoo

This is what a typical Birdie Breakfast looks like around here. Going clockwise from the left, that’s Simon’s breakfast, Kazoo’s breakfast and Oboe’s breakfast.

By suppertime, Simon’s breakfast dish will be empty, Kazoo’s breakfast dish will be half-empty, and Oboe’s breakfast dish will be upside down on the floor of his house.

We usually try to make […]

Prisoners in my basement

I spent all day Friday as a prisoner in my own basement. My tub and shower were being replaced with a Bathfitter acrylic surround, and there were some smelly chemicals involved. Birds are extremely vulnerable to chemical toxins, which can cause their delicate little lungs to hemorrhage, so I wanted to keep them as far […]

The Macbook, the Geek, and the birds

I took my Macbook into Best Buy the other night because it was making funny noises and the three-year warranty hadn’t run out yet.

Apple calls their technicians Geniuses. Best Buy calls their technicians Geeks. I guess there are good Geniuses and evil geniuses, just as there are good Geeks and bad Geeks. You just never […]

A little scattered

I’ve been a little scattered lately. I arrived home from work on Monday to the sound of Kazoo cackling in the dark. The whole time I was taking my boots and jacket and stuff off, she kept saying “Hello,” and laughing, and I kept saying hello and laughing back. As soon as I got my […]

The high cost of loving an animal

Oboe at the Vet's

I know there are people out there wondering why anyone would spend twelve hundred bucks to save the life of a bird that could be replaced for $75. It’s a reasonable question. Reasonable enough, in fact, that I asked it of myself several times last week.

If Oboe died, I’m pretty […]

Welcome home, Oboe

We brought Oboe home from the hospital last night. There hadn’t been any improvement since Friday, but no deterioration either. Poor little guy. Life’s tough right now. But so is Oboe; he’s a feisty little bird. (Although you wouldn’t know it to look at him right now. His personality has been seriously deflated.)

He was all […]

Oboe's in the hospital

Oboe’s luck ran out tonight. Duncan finally caught him. We took him to the vet and they admitted him. He needs pain meds, antibiotics, tube feeding, x-rays, and I forget what else. He might have a broken wing. He’s got rattling sounds in his airways. His breathing is rapid. He’s in pain.

I always knew Duncan […]