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I’m not really into Halloween myself, but I do like the kind of people who go all out for it. If you’re gonna do it, you should do it right. Here are a few photographs from my day.

Spy made chocolate coffins and a kitty litter cake for the office. We were mostly impressed, but strangely not very hungry. Usually if someone brings in a cake, we pounce on it and devour it within minutes. We just couldn’t muster any appetite for this one.

Around the corner from my place, there’s an artist who goes all out decorating her house for Halloween. I took this picture of her place tonight. Spooky, eh?

Swingin’ from the treetops

Today was not the perfect knitting day, it was the perfect day for a visit to the Aerial Park at Lafleche Caves. My friend Ken and I drove up there first thing in the morning, and from 9:00 till noon we were swingin’ from the treetops.

The Aerial Park is this crazy obstacle course / playground up in the top of the forest. You use clips and a harness to keep you from plunging to your death as you navigate rope nets, suspended footbridges, wooden aerial tunnels, swinging stirrups, swaying tightropes, tarzan ziplines, a flying skateboard, and more.

There are four courses, each more challenging than the last. The final course is more thrilling than difficult, because you get to zip across the lake twice.

There’s always some poor wimpy soul gets paralyzed with fear and cries until the guide rescues them. I thank god it’s not me – I would have to disown any friend who witnessed me in such a pathetic state, lol. Besides, if I were to dissolve into tears, most of my friends would laugh till they fell out of the tree.

Early morning excitement on Somerset Street

So this morning as I was walking to work I arrived at a burning rooming house at the same time as the firefighters. The man who walks the dog who carries the muffin bag home from the muffin store was there before me, because he was the one who called 9-1-1.

I just happened to have my camera with me, because it’s my new resolution to always carry it, just in case I see something blog-worthy. So I took a few pix. I clearly need some improvement in this kind of photography…I was trying to be inconspicuous and stay out of the way, but the result is mediocre photographs. Still, I thought it was cool how the reflective material glowed in the photos.

I think I like this one best, of some of the rooming house tenants. Rich people would probably have been more distraught than these guys. I guess the only advantage of poverty is you don’t have much to lose. The man who called 9-1-1 told me he watched as twelve people exited the smoking building. It’s interesting to see what people take with them when their home is on fire. These guys took a dog and a guitar….anything else was pocket-sized.

Boudoir Girl

My boudoir doll, Eliza, agreed to model Jonas’ strawberry hat, which is very nearly complete. I just have to weave in the ends, then it’s done! It’s adorable. Maybe I’ll whip up another one for Jonas’ big brother Gavin.

Eliza is one of eight boudoir dolls living in my living room, by the way. I found her in Prince Edward Island a few years ago. She originally belonged to a flapper way back in the 1930s.

Mike’s hat

Mike’s hat is coming along…slowly. Between the twisted rib stitch and what now seems like very slender yarn (Paton’s Decor), this hat seems to be taking forever. I started on Sunday October 23. Okay, it’s only 3 days, it just feels longer. His birthday was yesterday, so it’s late. Still…it’s awfully nice…and he does hate the cold, so I think he’ll like it. It would be awesome if I were to finish it before he goes back to the Philipines, where he has no use for a hat.

43 days of toil and sweat

My goal is to exercise for 43 consecutive days. I”m up to 11 days now – most days the gym for either weights or cardio, but today I was out on the streets running. I’ve stopped trying to talk myself out of it each day; now I just get home from work, change, and head for the gym so I can get it over with.

More clapotis colour anguish

Mystical Creations has the most exquisitely coloured yarns. I yearn for clapotises (clapotti?) in several of their 76 shades of blue (I threw in a red for good measure. Feel free to chime in and vote for one. I’d also welcome input from anybody who has ever made a clapotis using mystical creations yarn. Were you happy with your choice?

Turquoise Nights
Class Act

Is my blog a virgin?

Is there any way to tell if anybody has ever read your blog?

Anyway. I quit smoking a year ago today. Yay for me. I’m genuinely happy I got free of smoking – the expense, the risk, the cloud, the stigma – but still, I kinda wish I could celebrate with a good smoke.

I never realized how much smoking was incapacitating me until I stopped. All those years I thought I just didn’t like physical exertion.

Oxygen changed my whole life.

Clapotis eludes me!

I struggle perpetually with the curse of indecisiveness.

Last night I lay awake thinking about the clapotis I am going to knit. For those of you unfamiliar with the infamous clapotis, here is the original clapotis. But there are a thousand others, each different from all the others, because of the infinite fibers available from which to make the clapotis, each gorgeous and special in its own right. For example, Jess has a divine clapotis on Fig & Plum. There has even been poetry devoted to clapotis.

My difficulty lies in choosing the yarn and the colours with which to conjure up my very own, very special, clapotis. I think I will either go with Mystical Creations yarn in a silk merino, or the original clapotis yarn, Lorna’s Lace Lion & Lamb in one of these colours.

But I cannot decide among them. They are all so lucious, but it’s hard to visualize them as clapotis. I want blue, definitely blue, dominant blue, turquoisey blue, with maybe some greens and a touch of purple, but I don’t want purple to dominate. There is too much purple in my life these days, and not enough blue.

All those photos…

This is crazy. All my photos USED to be in albums, nice and neat and tidy, a row of albums arranged chronologically on the bottom shelf of the bookcase.

Then along came scrapbooking, and I was seized with terror to learn that my non-acid-free albums were destroying my precious photos. I immediately removed all my photos from all my albums and put them in shoeboxes.

Then, with an expenditure of ridiculous amounts of money and time, I scrapbooked about 20 pages (60 photos, out of 2,500) before calculating it would take me roughly forever to scrapbook all my photos.

Now all I want is all my photos nice and neat and tidy in a row of albums, arranged chronologically on the bottom shelf of the bookcase.