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What did General Patton get at Remagen?

Elmaks*, the Swap Box Artist, visited this blog again and left another clue in the comments about the location of the latest Swap Box: “What did Gen. Patton get at Remagen?”

View from the Corkstown BridgeMy history’s a bit sketchy, so I googled General Patton and Remagen, and learned that he got a bridge there. I somehow managed to completely convince myself that the new Swap Box was at the Corkstown Footbridge, and hastened down there on my lunch hour today. I checked all the trees and posts on the bridge, under the bridge, around the bridge, and near the bridge, but couldn’t find the Swap Box anywhere. On the bright side though, I’ve been meaning to check out the bridge ever since it opened, and now I finally have. Thoroughly.

So. Maybe the Swap Box is at a different bridge. There are an awful lot of bridges here, given that we have two rivers and two cities. And those are just the major bridges – we have lots of lesser bridges too. My favourite is the old stone one that crosses the Rideau Canal at around Lees or Main Street. I forget what it’s called.

Maybe General Patton got something else at Remagen, and the Swap Box is nowhere near a bridge. Or maybe General Patton and Remagen are red herrings. You never know. It could happen.

Anyway, the clue’s up for grabs! It’s anyone’s game now. Go find that Swap Box, and take a picture of it!

Primrose Street Swap BoxSpeaking of Swap Boxes, I visited the Primrose Street Swap Box on Sunday. The Keeper of the Primrose Swap Box left a lovely comment on the blog the other day, so I made a point of visiting. I really like two things about this Swap Box: the way it opens (upwards) and the height at which it’s mounted. It’s at about my chest level, which means children can use it too. And I imagine children would be the very best Swap Box users.

Meditation MouseInside the Primrose Swap Box there was an owl, a big mouse and a small rat. I took the big mouse. I held it in my hand for quite some time, and it started to feel really good – warm and smooth and soothing. I’ve decided it’s a meditation mouse. I didn’t actually know I needed a meditation mouse until now, but now I know it’s exactly what I’ve needed all along. So thank you very much to the Keeper of the Primrose Swap Box, and to whomever put the meditation mouse in there. I left a Halloween necklace in its place. I’ll definitely be visiting again.

Cambridge Street Swap BoxOh, and on Friday I stopped by the Cambridge Street Swap Box, just north of Somerset, which Ciaochow mentioned in a comment last week. It’s cool because it’s self-sufficient and not attached to anything. I got Spongebob out of it. I meant to carry a pocketful of swappables from now on, as suggested by RealGrouchy, but I forgot, so I didn’t have anything good to swap. I left a loonie. I know that’s not really within the spirit of the Swap Box tradition, but you never know, it might be exactly what someone else needs at that particular moment. (By the way, I see a striking resemblance between the Bridgehead Swap Box and the Cambridge Swap Box. I think they were made by the same artist, but not Elmaks.)

The Bridgehead Swap Box:
Bridgehead Swap Box

Big Swap Box for AggieOh! I almost forgot! On the way to work this morning, I found a giant swap box for giant things, and there was something special for Aggie sitting right on top. It’s right outside Pizza Pizza at Bronson and Somerset, Aggie!

(*By the way, Elmaks, in case you don’t know yet, RealGrouchy is becoming quite creative in his attempts to establish communications with you.)

16 comments to What did General Patton get at Remagen?

  • You’re both on and off the right track. Think more about the clue in military terms…

    And yes, I saw RG’s smiley face.

  • By that above statement I mean that there is a certain term used in the military vocab which’ll answer your clue.

  • *sigh* wish I could stumble across a swap box in sydney

  • Oma

    Why not make one for Sydney, nursemyra?

  • I consulted a friend who thinks it’ll be outside a Bridgehead. And I think I know which one!

    Nursemyra, absolutely, you can make your own Swap Box. Or you can pick up a box at a second-hand store, paint it, and screw it to a tree or telephone pole. You could even put one up in the Gimcrack and see what the patients put in it. (On second thought, maybe not…)

  • Awww. I don’t think I’m going to get there in time to pick it up. Looks like a gem. I could start my sweatshop with that thing!

  • You might find this story interesting. I keep getting more and more amazed at how this project’s taking off.

    “No, it’s not a litter bin, it’s art
    THEY have been used in major cities around the world to exchange food, clothes and even potatoes.

    Now it is hoped that a series of “swap box” dispensers across Edinburgh will encourage Capital residents to take up the idea…”

  • A sweatshop! I wish I’d thought of that during my crafty phase!

    Elmaks, I visited two Bridgeheads today (Bank Street and Elgin Street) but no luck. Wednesday lunch hour is Knitting Club, so I’m hoping to make it down to the Third Avenue Bridgehead on Thursday. I KNOW it’s there, I feel it in my bones!

    Now I’m going to go read the article. (But it doesn’t surprise me at all that the Swap Box Project is taking off!)

  • Bridge in miltary terms, the military building by city hall near the canal. The military building by dow’s lake, just west of the texmex place and the footbridges there?

  • Good guess Pearl. But a weird thing happened today. I was asleep on a bus coming home from the General Hospital, and I woke up right outside a Bridgetech at Albert and Bank. The first thing I thought of was the Swap Box, and I quickly scanned the telephone post – and there was the Swap Box! I only caught a glimpse of it, since I was still on the bus, but I’ll go back tomorrow at lunch with a swappable!

  • yeah I like the idea so much I think I’m going to have to do it.

  • Oops, I meant Bridgehead, not Bridgetech.

  • Yay nursemyra! Swap Boxes Sweep Australia!

    It appears I hallucinated the swap box I saw from the bus, because there’s no swap box outside the Bridgehead at Bank and Albert. I think I saw a white poster bending in the wind and I leapt to the erroneous conclusion that it was the new swap box.

    So now I’m back to being convinced it’s at Bank and Third.

  • I am so jealous – a meditation mouse! I’ll have to go find something like that for Peter now.

  • swap box keeper

    I’m gald you past by.
    How the meditation going???

  • swap box keeper

    Something really cool just happen . Has i was reading a few comments, the one about the artist at wurm gallery in invisible cinema caught my eyes.
    And after looking into it, i realize it was the unknown arstist that left in my view the best swap ever in the box on primrose and i was lucky enough to be looking into it that morning.
    I’m thinking of getting in touch with him!