I had the best birthday EVER. It involved three whole days of getting spoiled. There was an excess of gluttony. GC made me french toast with a mountain of fruit, and he took me out for dinner at The Buzz, and my son took me out for dinner at GuadalaHarry’s. Also there was cake and wine and sangria and there was much squawking and cackling and whistling from the peanut gallery during the rousing rendition of Happy Birthday to You. There were tons of happy birthday messages from far-flung friends on facebook, too.
GC gave me an iPad for my birthday! An iPad! I’ve always wanted one (well, ever since they were invented) and I already love it. The quest for quality apps has begun. My favourite app so far is Flipboard, which Deb recommended to me. Last night I watched the presidential debate on my iPad in Flipboard. Also, my Bejewelled Blitz game has improved dramatically since acquiring the iPad. I played just nine games and already set two new high scores. (For those of you who play Bejewelled with me, all I can say is from now on I’m a force to be reckoned with.)
GC also gave me some very special gifts that were handmade by one of my blog readers, Mikatana. One day he read a comment of hers, clicked on her link, and found himself on her Etsy shop, Mikaart. He saw that she made things I would love, so he placed an order for a Tree of Love Bird card and a felted bird brooch. And because it was GC, she very kindly sent him an extra card and a felted bird brooch for himself, along with a sweet note. (Thank you, Mika. We wore our brooches out to birthday dinner. We love them, and the cards too.)
All in all, this was the kind of birthday that is worth getting older for! I feel very lucky.
Happy Birthday Zoom! I’m so glad that you liked my bird stuff and you had a super wonderful birthday!!
Thanks Mika!
Wow, I am a Mikatana but I live in the US. Is there really another one?
I started following you because of knitting (ahem) but I am married to a Canadian who loves animals and birds. I read you every day. I make crafts and sell them, just not online (yet.)
Anyways…Happy Birthday!!
GC and I were actually wondering if you were two different people, and it seems you are.
Thanks for clearing that up for us.
(Although…maybe it’s not completely clear yet…Mika Art, are you also a mikatana, or did I make that up?)
Zoom, Zoom, you deserve to be spoiled… xo
Aww, thanks Woodsy. You too.
Oh, hi Mikatana!
I’m MiKa Art. I’m a small Asian female with very large head, who lives in Ottawa. I found Zoom’s blog while looking for something about Ottawa.
Sorry, Zoom, I didn’t correct about “Mikatana” part yesterday, because I didn’t know about the existence of real Mikatana and I just thought it’s a misspelling of some kind and it would be rude to point out.
But I think this is sort of interesting – Zoom, maybe you can write a story about mistaken & mixed/ghost identities people because they only know each other from online
I think I have you both straight now. Little Canadian Mika Art with the big head, and American Mikatana with the normal-sized head and the Canadian bird-loving husband!
I won’t forget now, I promise.