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An apple gadget infomercial with GC, Duncan and Simon

GC made an apple pie a couple of weeks ago, and being the clever guy he is, he went gadget-shopping first. Then we prepared our very own infomercial, complete with cameo appearances by some of our animal friends. (My favourite part is the last five seconds.)

Incidentally, since making this video we’ve discovered that you can buy this amazing cast iron gadget at Lee Valley Tools for $28. Or, like GC, you can buy it at Benix (a kitchen shop in Carlingwood Mall) for $14.99. We’ve also discovered it works on potatoes, too.

7 comments to An apple gadget infomercial with GC, Duncan and Simon

  • I have one of those – not sure where I got it, maybe Amazon? I use it to slice apples for freezing, then I take the peels and cores and any apples that were not cooperative and cook them down and put them through my sauce maker for apple sauce. Nothing goes to waste! (Note new blog site.)

    • That’s a good idea, making apple sauce out of the leftovers…GC thought they might be good for crafting, but I can’t think of many apple peel/core crafts.

      Thanks for the heads up on the new blog site. I’ve updated my blog roll accordingly. (I’m terrible about my blog roll…it’s woefully outdated, since I use Google Reader to connect to blogs.)

  • Murt

    So cute! All of you guys!

    • Aww, thanks Murt! I thought Simon looked pretty adorable at the end there. And Duncan loves to curl up on shoes for some reason, and he always looks cute like that.

  • Tom Sawyer

    You guys are my heroes.

  • lucy

    My son was looking over my shoulder while I watched this. He says the sliced apple “looks like a slinky”.

  • neat gadget. and yeah, it does look like an slinky, doesn’t it?