This is our new dog, Rosie, formerly known as Phoenix. We adopted her from the Humane Society today!
This wasn’t actually the plan, as we were still in the running for Dexter the Boxer, who is a wonderful dog. His lovely foster mom, Jennifer, even brought him over for a visit on Christmas Eve. Loyal Rescue had narrowed Dexter’s possible adoptors down to two families, and we were one of them. The next step would have been an official home visit from a different volunteer, and then a recommendation would be presented to the Board of Directors, who would decide which lucky family would get to adopt Dexter.
But this morning the Humane Society called and said they had a dog they thought we’d like to meet. And when we met her, we pretty much melted. She is such a sweetheart. They didn’t know much about her, just that she’d come from a small town in Quebec, where she’d ended up in a 3-day shelter. (That means they have three days to find her somewhere else to be, or they euthanize her.) They estimated her age at two-ish. She’s underweight, and has some mysterious old facial scars. She was fixed on Friday, and treated for badly infected ears. The adoption agent says although we have no way of knowing her history, she suspects she was neglected but not abused.
Rosie was so polite and gentle and lovable! But what about Dexter? We didn’t know if we would be the successful candidate for Dexter, and what if we weren’t? We’d have lost both dogs! We briefly considered adopting both of them, but realistically we don’t have the resources for two.
Karen put the dog back in her room while we walked around and thought about it and talked it over. And as we walked and talked, we looked in all the windows of all the rooms of all the adoptable dogs. Suddenly there she was again! She put her paws up on the window sill to look at us, and we just looked at each other and knew she was our dog. We felt bad about Dexter and Loyal Rescue, because they’d been so nice to us after the whole fiasco with the other rescue. But they were very understanding, and they were happy for us and for Rosie. And we know Dexter’s going to a good home too, so all’s well that ends well.
GC and I were both crying as we left the Humane Society with our new dog, that’s how happy we were.
So far today we’ve introduced her to neighbours, visited Critter Jungle (where GC bought her some chew toys and a crate), visited Pet Smart (where he bought her some squeaky toys), and visited the pizzeria. She’s met Duncan (they’re a matched set, looks-wise, and they seem really good together already), and the birds (she’s interested, but not in an aggressive way), and right now she’s snuggled up beside me on the couch.
She’s such a nice dog. We’re not entirely sure what breed she is. The Humane Society said Golden Retriever, but several other people have suggested mixed breeds including Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, border collie, and red retriever. She’s a nice size – 50 pounds – smaller than your average Golden. She needs a little fattening up, and lots and lots of good old-fashioned loving.
Welcome to the family Rosie….it was meant to be
Mazel tov, she’s a beautiful dog (one of my most favorite breeds)
We know she is so lucky to have found both of you.
she’s beautiful. Congratulations to the whole family!
Wonderful! What a saga, and it’s only just begun. The mix sounds great -retriever, duck toller… We have that, and it makes for a smart, curious, playful, gentle and sometimes plain crazy dog! And being in the city, you won’t have our worries about letting the dog out and having it climb your 8 ft.fence, and then run all over the countryside, stressing out the neighbours and being at risk to be shot by nearsighted farmers who mistakes it for a coyote.
Dear Rosie,
A big CONGRATULATIONS on finding your forever home and family!
Oh, she looks like a sweetheart. I got a bit teary reading this. I am so happy for you and Rosie. Congratulations!
Congratulations! She’s adorable, looks so sweet. (Karen is just the best, isn’t she? She’s known for making great matches too, btw.)
Congratulations – so glad to see a happy ending for both you AND, more importantly, for Rosie! Here’s to years and years of love and happiness!
Oh that made me cry! So happy for you!
She is so sweet! So happy for you all!!
Zoom and GC, she is absolutely beautiful! I’m so pleased you found her and she is one lucky dog to have found you.
Welcome Rosie!!! She looks stunning Rob. Enjoy her.
You know, when I pulled up your blog and saw Rosie, my response was, “Ehhhhh?!” But I’m glad you have adopted a new puppy. She’s adorable. I see nothing but golden retriever though. Ahhh she’s adorable. 😀
I am so happy for you, and cannot wait to visit Rosie. I will give her a cat as a housewarming/welcome gift I do think Dec. 27th would be a wonderful day for her and I to celebrate birthdays!
So happy for you and Rosie, who has surely found a loving new home. Yay for happy families!!!
I am so excited for you! Rosie is such a lucky girl and to be honest she looks pretty awesome, so I think the two of you are pretty lucky too. Enjoy her! What a nice way to start the new year and of course she is probably the best Chanukah present you could probably ever get.
Congratulations Zoom. It was obviously meant to be!
Zoom, that dog is going to be one well-loved pooch. Congratulations to you, and a hearty thumb of the nose to the idiots of the world. You know who I mean.
Dear Duncan,
I’m so happy you have a new sister! Your coloring is so similar that distinguishing your dogcat hair from Rosie’s catdog hair will be hard for the people to do. Have fun and good cuddles, OK?
what a sweet, pretty lady. I’m so happy for you!
She is BEAUTIFUL! You’ll know if she has toller in her as soon as she’s comfortable. They are VERY smart and playful. The ginger on her nose says toller to me. We spent a good long time watching Bear’s behaviour to try and determine if it was springer, border collie or toller mixed in with the obvious black lab and finally knew it was toller when we got a chance to play with our friend Wendy’s toller. The play style was unmistakeable and breed specific. She could be all golden too, if she was neglected it could have stunted her growth. We petsit a golden puppy named Roadie and she is HUGE compared to Bear (Bear is a nice healthy 45 lbs)
Oh, she’s beautiful. So, so, so happy for you and GC and Rosie. 😀
My first reaction was, That’s not a boxer, that’s a retriever. But I am so glad that Rosie found her new family! She and Duncan are a matched set.
Oh, she’s lovely. I’m sure she’ll be a great addition to your family. We adopted a kitten a couple of weeks, and I can’t get over how much joy he has brought already.
Congratulations to the whole family. Isn’t everyone just so blessed!
My husband and I rescued a dog that had 5 days to go and I have never felt so loved by an animal. Otto’s favorite sleeping place is on me – he is a miniature dachshund. He,too was neglected…his former owner had over 200 dogs, an animal hoarder!The rescue process was a pain and I almost gave up on it. There sure are some sanctimonious, arrogant people out there who think they know everything.
Congratulations! I am so happy for you- and that is one lucky dog
Congratulations Zoom and GC, Rosie is a very beautiful, loving dog. What a face. Just love her. I am sure Casey and Rosie will become good friends. Glad to see that Duncan is happy to have a new friend in the house.
Happy New Year! Rosie sounds like a great fit, and looks just lovely. She is a lucky pup to have found you both, and I know you’ll enjoy having her. Mixed heritage dogs often get the best of whichever breeds contributed.
Yay! Super yay! I was hoping to see a happy ending post. So happy for you! Listen to this, this is the other toller dead giveaway – this kind of excited bark is called the toller scream. it drives papapan crazy. Bear only does it when he’s really excited, normally he has a normal bark.
Congratulations! How wonderful that Rosie found the really great forever home!!
I am so pleased! My first impression was to fall in love too. I think the name Rosie fits.
Mazel tov.
Bangerang! I’m so happy for you. I know she’ll work out great because I know you and Rob. You’ll make a lovely foursome. Or, nonet, I should say!
Congratulations, Zoom!
Hi Zoom!
Rosie is such a sweet girl! I’m happy your family is now complete.
I hope you and gc enjoy the holidays getting to know Rosie and introducing her to her new family.
Take care and congratulations!
She is so lovely. And of course, having loved a golden, I say she’s golden through and through. So happy for you all.
Congratulations on Rosie! Should be fun.
Ah. what a sweetie! Congratulations!!
Rosie!! Love the name
She is ADORABLE – congrats on your new family member!!!
[…] adopting a dog named Vixen. The Friendly Giants woman wasn’t very friendly. We adopted Rosie instead. We had coffee and a long chat with Elmaks’ parents. Duncan lost more weight. We rang […]
I had the extreme pleasure of working with your girl. Yes, her rescue situation from Quebec is a very unique one and we have some beautiful people at the OHS to thank for opening doors to these other types of shelters and bridging them to ours. Your girl speaks a very loud story and won my heart from the moment I laid hands on her. I know you are blessed to have her…she truly is a miracle hand chosen for you.When I placed her in the adoption centre just before Christmas, my prayer was she would not stay there long and unite with a great forever home.
Don’t you just love happy endings
I know this is late, but I just wanted to thank all of you for the congratulations and good wishes. Rosie’s a complete sweetheart and we love her to pieces. (She seems pretty fond of us too.) She’s gained a kilogram in the two weeks we’ve had her, and her vet says it seems to be all muscle. That’s because GC takes her out for lots of walks, and runs too. She loves to run but she always comes back as soon as we call her. She loves toys too, and snuggling on the couch, and other dogs, and Duncan. Right now she’s chasing her tail around the living room!
Thank you Humane Society for your excellent matchmaking skills, and for all the wonderful animals you’ve entrusted to us over the years – Sam, Duncan, Billie & Lester, and now Rosie.