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A Misleading Headline: Knitting and a Humongous Cat

You can see Jeebus' orthopedic device in this picture

I’m basically lurching from one bird cage to the next, feeding, cleaning, cuddling and talking to birds all day long, so I haven’t got much to blog about, except birds. But I don’t want you all thinking I’m turning into a bird blogger – first of all because I’m not, and secondly, because that’s not what you signed up for. You signed up for knitting and a humongous cat, right?

But first let me tell you about my birds.

1. Most of my baby birds are now bigger than they’ll ever be again. In fact, they’ll need to lose a little weight in order to get themselves airborne.

2. Kazoo, the Amazon, is cuddly. That’s right. He snuggles into me and I pet him and he chortles blissfully.

3. When I take a shower, Oboe (the littlest of the triplet lovebirds) likes to sit on my head. He also likes to look in the mirror, so he flies back and forth between the mirror and my head. I try to wash my hair during the mirror’s turn.

4. When I take a bath, Oboe likes to stand on my stomach and drink bathwater.

5. Oboe and Duncan take turns accompanying me at bath time, because Duncan likes to balance on the edge of the tub and drink bathwater too.

6. Banjo, of the triplets, used to absolutely adore me. Now she bites me – hard! – if I put my hand in the cage while she’s in it. It’s because I haven’t been handling her enough since the new babies arrived. She bit me so hard the other day I cried. (It did hurt, but I think I had a touch of PMS too, and my feelings were hurt.) All three lovebirds flew to me when I started crying. Oboe picked the tears off my face with his beak. It was so sweet I cried even harder.

The Quints on January 18

7. Duncan likes to lie on the art room floor while I feed the baby birds. He likes to visit the triplets in the office. He likes it when Kazoo comes down from his lofty perches to fetch a dropped peanut or something. I don’t trust him alone with any of the birds, though he’s generally pretty good with them. Today I accidentally shut him inside the art room with the babies after a feeding. A little later I heard something fall, so I went to check. There was Duncan, sitting on the table beside the bird box. He’d knocked the top off the box and was peering in at the little mound of baby birds who were silently crouched in the corner, playing dead.

In knitting news, I’ve taken up needle felting!

6 comments to A Misleading Headline: Knitting and a humongous cat

  • I’m just as happy reading about the birds… no worries here!

  • grace

    If you wrote about pocket lint I’d probably stick around. How’s that sock coming along?

  • Kathleen & Casey

    Zoom, I love reading about the birds and Duncan. I think it is just unbelievable what you are doing for these birds. You are a very special person to do this. Keep the stories coming.


  • I love reading about the birds. I never liked birds before I started reading about your experiences. After the Quints were born, I actually considered getting love birds to add to our cat, dog, fish, kid filled house. Then I snapped back into reality. Just saying, the bird posts are wonderful.

  • Isn’t the best writing supposed to be about what we personally experience? “Write what you know” is often advice given to writers.

    I, too, love your bird posts. And your cat, civics, food, art, and craft posts. Basically, all of them!

  • I love reading about the birds too. I have always said there would be no pets for us, but I am very tempted after reading about their sweet little personalities!