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Be careful out there

A sign in GC’s neighbourhood:


Speaking of driving carefully, here’s a video my friend Murtisha posted on Facebook yesterday. It’s seven minutes of car accidents. I watched the whole thing with my hand clasped over my mouth. It’s the stuff nightmares are made of. Viewer discretion advised.

Be careful out there.

7 comments to Be careful out there

  • Murt

    Some of them are real, I’ve seen them on other sights, but some of them are staged, you can tell they’re using dummies at the point of impact.

  • I hope they find the turtle unharmed. They are adorable, gentle beasts.

  • Oh I can’t watch commercials like that, they make me so upset. I actually wrote to MADD to complain about one they did where an officer is hit while checking out a car full of teens. It made Darkmirror hysterical and they played it during children’s programming.

    another reason I don’t have a tv anymore….even the kind of ads I agree with on principle are horrible to see.

  • I hope the turtle finds his way home safely

  • When I was in grade 6 (1969/70) the powers that be thought it was a good idea to show us a film about the aftermaths of car accidents, complete with graphic photos of severed limbs and the like. I know it made a huge impact on me. I was the only one left in the room at the end of the film – all the other had left for fresh air or to throw up. I often wonder what kind of drivers they became as adults? I know I am the safest driver I know.

    First Kathleen’s dog is on the loose and now a turtle! I never hear about these things until way later. I will keep my eye out for the poor wee thing.

  • Lo

    i cannot watch stuff like this anymore-older and have children and drive every day and always worried but the other jackass is going to do or not do….in Britain they make a lot of these types of commercials-i think it’s too much but at the same time SOME people need to watch them. I think they aren’t…..

  • I could only watch 1 minute