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Two of my faves: R.I.P.

J.D. Salinger, author of Catcher in the Rye, and Dr. Howard Zinn, activist and author of The People’s History of the U.S., both just died.

I know they were old (91 and 87 respectively) and they led full lives, and they had to go sometime, but…I feel sad.

5 comments to Two of my faves: R.I.P.

  • I love Catcher in the Rye. But did Salinger lead a full life? I thought he was a recluse…..

  • I believe one can live a full life as a recluse, as long as they enjoy their solitude sufficiently…but, that being said, I don’t actually know if Salinger lead a full life or not. I hope so.

  • Eric G

    Wow… Howard Zinn is one of the most important figures in my view of world politics.

    I never got to hear him speak in person, but his books and lectures are well worn on my shelves.

  • My first reaction to the announcement of Salinger’s death was “oh, wow, so he really lived?!?” But then I decided that might sound snarky. Truly, I loved Salinger’s writing – “Raise High the Roofbeam, Carpenters” was my favorite. I think many people who suddenly gain fame realize they didn’t want it, after all. So a reclusive life seems fine. You know, as long as he didn’t stop writing just because of that.

  • I know . . . I’m sad too. And grateful for the gifts they gave us.