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The mayor and the neurosurgeon

Mayor Larry and his necklace

Mayor Larry and his necklace

I’m taking a philosophical approach to Mayor Larry O’Brien’s acquittal on influence peddling charges. The worst thing about his lack of conviction is that, at least until the next election, we have to let him sit on the throne and wear the stupid necklace and swagger around Ottawa like he owns the place. And we have to pay for and put up with an ineffective City Council that operates in perpetual opposition to itself.

I still believe Mayor Larry was guilty of trying to circumvent democracy through the use of sleazy under-the-table methods, but was acquitted because the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt was not met. Fair enough. I’m sure he’s suffered sufficiently as the case worked its way through the criminal justice system. Regardless of the outcome, being charged with a crime and spending months or years dealing with it, is hugely stressful no matter who you are.

Hopefully the whole experience will have taught him something. I don’t know what exactly. Maybe something about humility or fair play or democracy or not being such an idiot.

Anyway, that’s that. It’s time for all of us to put this whole thing behind us and let Mayor Larry get back to the business of being the most inexperienced, dysfunctional and bizarre mayor since Toronto’s Mel Lastman.

(I haven’t had a chance yet to see what the other local bloggers have said about the acquittal, but I did make a point of checking the ESI site for Coyote’s reaction, and was not disappointed.)

In the good news department, I met with the neurosurgeon – Dr. Howard Lesiuk – today. I liked him a lot. He saw me at exactly 10:30, which was the actual time of my appointment, and he took the time to ask lots of questions, answer lots of questions, and explain everything thoroughly.

He said that as far as structural problems go, mine is severe and requires surgery. The procedure is called a microdiscectomy.

There’s an 80% chance that this surgery will help me, a 15% chance that there will be no improvement, and a 5% chance that I’ll be worse off after the surgery.

He was very apologetic as he told me he’s not going to be able to do my surgery until September.

September! 2009! Next month!

But then we talked about my breast cancer, and decided to wait a little longer, until after my radiation, to do the back surgery. If all goes well – ie, if I don’t need chemo and if there’s no backlog in radiation – we’re looking at surgery in October.

October! 2009! The month after next!

This is such incredibly good news I can’t even believe it. I fully expected to be told I’d be having surgery in a year or two.

I think my luck is changing. :)

30 comments to The mayor and the neurosurgeon

  • Gramps

    Great news !!

  • grace


  • The hell with the mayor. Let’s celebrate the good news from your neurosurgeon instead…

  • Gillian

    Keep on with the good news. We’re all tuning in, waiting.

  • Oh, Zoom! I’m so happy for you! Congratulations!

  • That’s great news! It’s definitely severe when you can’t walk.

  • Can you make a trade? O’Brien end his term in October, and your surgery happens next year?

    It will be painful for you, but only marginally moreso than Mayor Larry coming back.

    – RG>

  • those are some good odds!

  • Lana

    I hope you will have some relief soon. And who cares about Ottawa Mayor, we have our own clown to deal with in Toronto.

  • Lisa in Toronto

    Thanks for the update on the neurosurgeon.
    We were all cheering for you from our respective corners.
    I am so happy to pay my taxes for your surgery. You really need it!

  • lucy

    Glad to hear the good news (about your back, that is, not about Mayor Larry).

  • Glad I did not disappoint, ma’am.

    Even gladder about that surgery.

  • OMG ZOOM!!!!! That is fantastic! I am braving Darkmirror’s ire to check yer blog so I’ll be short here. Last cancer surgery today!!!! Radiation on it’s heels!!!!! In full arm pumping walking everywhere swing before Christmas!!!!

  • Bonnie

    great news. He sounds like an angel (the Dr. not the Mayor)

  • Marion Barry was the mayor of Washington DC, was convicted on drug charges (in a city with a huge drug problem) and spend time in jail, came out and got RE-ELECTED!!! I’ll never understand it.

    On the other hand, I’m glad you don’t have to wait for the surgery.

  • Mo

    Congratulations Zoom!!! I’m very, very happy to hear the good news. You lead such a full and active life (even with the back pain) that it’s great to hear your surgery appt. is finally coming through to ease your agony.

    You know, if people (myself included) were 1/4 as active and involved with their community and surroundings the way you are, the world would be an immensely better place.

  • Julia

    I am so pleased to hear about all this – you, not the mayor. As far as I have heard, there is no back-log in radiation and they are real pros there, very efficient and cheerful. To think that your journey will be wrapped up by October is wonderful.

  • Julia

    And Donna Lee, good point about Barry! I had forgotten about him.

  • noam deguerre

    he slipped through the crack in the system; as for our own nay-er, consider it a trade-off – your great news, in exchange for buzzness as usual with the local circus sideshow, i still feel i’m coming out ahead on this one

  • XUP

    Ah, excellent news! This will make your 51st birthday a really, really, really special occasion won’t it?

  • EXCELLENT NEWS! Henry and I are SO happy for you. For the news and the date and the percentages, and also because you felt listened to and cared for. THAT is ALSO health care. Hugs and paws to you!

  • Ach, Zoom, that’s *SUCH* good news! I’m so happy for you. This has made my day.


  • Joanna

    Great news Zoom!
    Now your dark days will serve only as a reference point.
    Good news for all of us, too. It seems that our embattled Canadian health care is in better shape than we thought.

  • grace

    XUP let’s talk party!

  • grace

    PS Please post soon to move that necklace off the front page. I’m begging!

  • Arden

    I second Grace’s request for a post to bump Larry down a notch 😉 Happy belated birthday to GC, I’m really glad to hear that the back surgery won’t be too long from now! What a relief!

    Hope the other surgery went well, and as always, you’re in my thoughts!

  • WOO-HOO! It is totally amazing that you are getting your surgery done so soon!!! I’m super, super happy to hear that!!

  • Thanks everyone, for all your messages of support and for always being here for me. You’re the best!