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My header’s in the clouds

As you might recall, there was a bit of a re-org here last week. Sheep #2 was fired, but he had it coming. Duncan was promoted but lost one of his ears on the Photoshop cutting floor. Duncan taught the other two sheep how to meow, albeit with Norwegian accents.* There was quite a cacaphony echoing all the way down to the comments.

Not everybody liked having Duncan up there in the header. There were aesthetic objections and concerns about things like scale, proportion, Duncan’s dignity and possible infractions of labour legislation with respect to the displaced sheep (I’ll say it again: he had it coming).

In my typical indecisive Libra style, I’ve decided to put the header up to a vote. You tell me which header you like best. You can elaborate in the comments if you like.

Here are the two three choices:

1) Three Sheep
2) Duncan and Two Sheep
3) Something else

The polling booth is now open for voting.

*For those of you who are relatively new to this blog, Duncan is a Norwegian Forest Cat. (But he insists I refer to him as “a Norwegian Forest Cat of some considerable substance,” so there you go.)

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