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Meet Tucker

I feel bad about my last post being so gruesome and morbid. To cheer us all up, here’s a picture of my niece Kati’s cat, Tucker, whom Kati describes as a smart and delicate creature. I think Tucker should have his own blog, don’t you? And a TV show. And staff.

Photo credit: my sister Deb.


10 comments to Meet Tucker

  • He’s great! He looks a tad drunk, but he’s definitely a character! He looks a lot like my brother’s cat Boswell, whom I just adore.

  • Arden

    I absolutely love the drunkard pose! It’s always so amusing!

  • Drunken?

    Clearly you have insulted the grace and dignity of this cat. Those of us who have the honour and privilege to serve a cat, or if we’re extremely fortunate, several, recognize this stance.

    It is the classic I-am-so-weary-and-jaded-bring-me-a-mouse-or-something-to-savage pose. Those who ignore the implicit command do so at their own risk.

  • parasol

    Looks like his blog would definitely be X rated.

  • Kat

    An absolute charmer!

  • Did you find this picture under Duncan’s mattress?

  • deb

    Tuck loves that corner. Sometimes he will sleep there and if you talk to him, he puts his hands over his ears and face to block you out.

    I think it is like a guy who goes into a bar and likes his back to the wall so that no one can jump him. Tucker just moved in with us for the summer and he has two new dogs and a 13 year old barn cat to contend with.

  • XUP

    Hey, the blogworld ain’t big enough for 2 black & white cats with attitude and Bazel was here first. Although, maybe they could start a group blog: The Tuxedo Cat iRreVEranTs

  • Linda Anne

    Zoom – thanks so much for this picture!! Tucker is absolutely adorable – I just love his eyes and the expression on his face. This was so welcome, especially after the events on the greyhound bus. My heart goes out to all those who witnessed this terrible attack and to the families of the victim and also the assailant.

  • Melinda

    And etiquette lessons…

    And just don’t give him any beer. Definitely no beer.