Last night I went to a lovely little backyard party to help my old friend Donna celebrate her brand new PhD.
There were lots of interesting people at this party, and good conversation and food and wine and cake.
I’ve known Donna since I was 12 or 13. When I was 15 and she was 25, she took me into her home for the summer because things were bad and I needed help. There probably aren’t that many 25 year olds who would do that, but Donna did. Not only that, but she navigated the child welfare system for me and got me hooked up with other people who could help me. She was a lifesaver.
Sometimes we go years without any contact, but Donna often seems to magically and spontaneously reappear at pivotal points in my life.
There’s just something special about her. She’s like a real live guardian angel. (Not just to me, either; I believe she’s magically entwined in other people’s lives too. She’s even magically entwined in some dogs’ lives.)
She also has a wicked sense of humour and a love of puns, and you would love her. I know this because everybody loves her. Seriously. If her name comes up in conversation, everybody says, “Oh, I know Donna; I LOVE Donna!”
She’s led an interesting life so far, and the PhD is just the latest in a very eclectic list of things she’s done. I’m looking forward to seeing what she does next. (Actually, I don’t even know a fraction of what she’s done. I’m always saying things like “I didn’t know you took Chinese lessons!” and “You have students? What do you teach?”)
Here’s Donna with her sister Arlene, who also just graduated last week and who published her first novel, Paper Trail, last year. They’re both pretty remarkable, actually.
Please pass on my congratulations to Donna. I have always thought she was a very special person too.
Oh Donna!
I know Donna, I LOVE Donna!
I’d also love to read her thesis, does she have it published online anywhere?
Wow, congrats to Donna!
I don’t know her, but I know it’s hard work!
I’ll be happy to pass on your congratulations Oma.
Mudmama –
I don’t know if it’s online – I’ll ask. It’s in international education.
Em – if you knew her you’d love her too.
Mudmama: Education and Resilience among War-Affected Girls in Sierra Leone: An Ecological Case Study, which examines the intersections of gender, education, and girls’ resilience in a post-war society.
Isn’t it great that there are people like Donna in the world? And frankly, people like you too, Zoom.
Zoom – next time you should invite us all so we can meet and love Donna, too. (PS: Julia – Ya! Zoom — I love Zoom)
I think it no accident that you’re surrounded by fine people!
Thanks julia, xup and grace – you’re all too kind. (Grace, I was just thinking about you yesterday and wondering how you were doing.)
hi sue,
oh how much i love love those sheep and yr fab blog, especially the bits about my loveable sister donna. as it happens i LOVE her too!!! and she is completely amazing. phd’ing and speaking at international and important conferences and everything.
and – did i tell you that ‘paper trail’ just won the 2008 victoria butler book prize? i didn’t? well, there you have it – news as it breaks. xxx – arleen
Hi Arleen. Wowzers, CONGRATULATIONS on winning the Victoria Butler award! That’s wonderful news and I’m SO happy for you.
Thanks for stopping by the blog – I hope you’ll come back. (Your book was also mentioned here by the way.)