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Back to work blues

For the past sixteen days my life has been very much about what’s happening inside my own four walls. But tomorrow I have to go back to work, and today that feels kind of ominous.

For one thing, my alarm clock is going to start making an obnoxious noise at 6:14 a.m. For another thing, my […]

Duncan the Dogcat

I promise I’m not turning into a cat blogger, but please indulge me while I blog about my cat one more time.

He’s such a dog, this cat! Not only does he follow me everywhere but he licks my face! And you know how dogs shake their whole body when they’re wet? Every couple of hours […]

You talked me into it

It’s kind of like having a dog. He follows me wherever I go. And he doesn’t pussy-foot around either, he goes THUMP THUMP THUMP.

He likes being groomed. He drops and flops over on his back and purrs and says “Do my belly!” He doesn’t meow much, but he hasn’t stopped purring since he […]

Should I adopt the world’s biggest cat?

I went to the Humane Society thinking about two brown tabby kittens. Or maybe one delicate little cat for now with the possibility of adding a kitten to the mix later on. Instead, I came THIS close to adopting this lion.

He is, without question, the most magnificent creature at the Humane Society. His […]

Crows in the snow

My new neighbourhood does not have cats. It has crows. Highly gregarious social crows. Big flocks. They seem more like gangs or swarms than flocks. In fact, a flock of crows is referred to as a murder of crows, and this seems right.

I like crows. I like their beady eyes and shrewd sense of humour. […]