I’ve had lots of cats who liked me, and some who liked me a LOT. But Duncan’s the first one to follow me around like a dog. And he’s the first one to go to bed with me every single night, and the first one to share my pillow. We fall asleep face to face. Lately he has taken to falling asleep with one paw nestled in my hand and the other paw resting gently on my cheek. That’s how we fall sleep.
He’s also the first cat to join me at bathtime. None of my other cats had any interest in going anywhere near the bathtub. But look at Duncan! He hasn’t missed a single bath or shower since he moved in here. There’s no such thing as too much togetherness for this big ol’ puddin’ head.
One of these days he’s going to lose his footing and suddenly there will be a gigantic, wet, panicky, 20-clawed cat thrashing around in the tub with me. It’s going to be soooo exciting.
I jumped over from Yarn Harlot’s blog the other day. And out of curiosity (and facetiousness), did you post the bath & cat blog before or after her? Cause if you were first, you could have a whole lot of fun teasing her about stealing your posts.
my big old orange tabby would sit beside me in the tub too — until he fell in and that became the end of that. there wasn’t much thrashing around when he fell in though, he just seemed stunned for a bit.
duncan seems like a sweetheart
Seems to be a common theme lately of cats and bathtubs in knitter-blog world…
Yet another touching moment with ones cat for my early Sunday morning reading. S’cuse me but my cat is sitting on the 4 inches in front of my keyboard on the pull out shelf. It makes typing kinda hard….
Ha! That’s just a bizarre coincidence. Checking out the timestamps, it looks like the Harlot posted while I was taking my bath. I had no idea she had posted about her bathtub cat until you guys told me! I just went and read it now.
Funny, I was wondering throughout her post how come she just happened to have her camera in the tub with her (and then she explained). It crossed my mind that people might also be wondering why I had MY camera in the tub with ME. I assure you it’s not an everyday occurence – I just took it in with me yesterday because I wanted a photo to illustrate my post!
Katie – you have no idea how happy I am to hear your cat didn’t thrash.
I hope that I will be similarly blessed when Duncan falls in.
My roommate’s cat fell in with me when he was a kitten… he was declawed, and just surprised enough to stay still while I chucked him out of the tub…
My husband’s cat now likes to hang out on the rim, and as he is an EXTREMELY nervous feline with all his claws, I literally fear for my skin the day he falls in!
Duncan is quite handsome, by the way.
Our medium-haired orange boy follows us around like a dog as well. He doesn’t sit on the edge of the tub though, in fact none of our current fur-buckets do that, although one will occasionally hop on long enough to sniff my toes see if the tap is dripping, then give up and jump off.
What a handsome bugger!
Awww, that’s so sweet. Some cats swim. Maybe if he falls in he’ll happily paddle about.
My cat sleeps with me too, with his four paws grouped in one of my hands to keep them warm…. no bath, though….
I have one just like him. His name is Rockster Weewiggles (Rocky for short) I’m not allowed to bath without him. If I shut the door he sits outside and howls. Rocky usually like to dip the end of his tail in the water, then flick it out suddenly, splashing me in the face.
Rocky HAS fallen in several times… the result, while amusing afterwards as I watch him furiously lick himself dry, is a little chaotic, and if you catch a claw or two… painful… it still hasn’t detered him from come back bath after bath though…
hope yours is more surefooted than mine
Cute cat pics! My uncle has a cat who likes to get in the bath – he just sits there, up to his neck in buubbles. If you leave him outside he yowls, but it means he has to have the water cooler than normal so the cat doesn’t scald himself, and then has to have a shower afterwards (or he’d be all covered in cat fur!)
Cute pic. I hope that Duncan never falls in.
I’m really shocked to hear about all these voyeuristic cats!
Elaine, your uncle’s cat wins the prize for weirdest cat!
Valerie, that’s cute about the tail, and I hope my cat is more surefooted than yours too. But somehow I don’t think so. He’s ALMOST fallen in a couple of times already, and he’s only lived here for two weeks.
Carmen, that sounds soooo adorable.
Pearl, I love your optimistic nature. Duncan doesn’t look like a swimmer to me, but hey, Elaine’s uncle’s cat probably doesn’t look like a bubble-bather either.
Arden, maybe the dog-like following is an orange-cat trait?
My cat was fascinated by water but hated getting wet. She used to dip her paw into my bathwater and then miaow at me like it was my fault when her paw got wet! And then when I showered she would wait till I was finished (watching through the glass showerscreen, of course) and then lick the bottom of the shower. I’m glad that I now know she’s not the only cat who gets bath-wierd
PS. Duncan is a very cute yet manly cat!
Alley fell in the tub as a kitten… she was wandering along the edge and tried to reach over to sniff the drain or something and fell in… she thrashed and we laughed hysterically. We probably should have helped her out but she made it out fine on her own