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Would you give up reading for your cat?

I know some of you think I’m turning into a cat blogger, so I promise you this will be the last cat post this month. I swear. The cat is just a small part of my perfectly normal life, which is full of work and art and blogging and scrabble and knitting and chores and […]

Swap box bonanza!

I pass the Mayor Larry Swap Box on Lisgar Street on my way to and from work, and sometimes at lunchtime too, so I have an ongoing relationship with it. Sometimes I make a swap, other times I just leave something or take something. Sometimes all I do is peek inside.

For about a […]

Duncan’s got a drinking problem

Remember how Duncan likes to lie on the edge of the tub and watch me bathe? Well, the last couple of baths, he’s been dangling one paw in the water the whole time. And every now and then he dips his head down and laps up a whole bunch of steaming hot bath water like […]

Catching up on blog-reading

My allocated blog-reading time has not kept pace with the growing list of blogs that I follow. I keep up with the blogs in my sidebar, but my feedreader (Bloglines) is bursting with unread material from around the blogosphere.

Some people might just click on that bloglines button that says “Mark All Read,” and they’d be […]

The value of virginity?

Note: I wrote and posted this a couple of weeks ago and then pulled it almost immediately because of queasy second thoughts about its appropriateness. But after mulling it over in the background for awhile, I’ve decided it’s okay. At least I hope it is.

I have mixed feelings about blogging my thoughts about this out […]

What’s your pet’s name?

I was talking to a friend the other night and the subject of pet-naming came up, and how it has changed over the years. Have you noticed there are all kinds of Jacks and Mollys now, and relatively few Spots and Snoopys?

Apparently, with the demographic shift towards later marriage and increasingly older ages for starting […]

Ice, frost, blood and livers

Things are still pretty frosty out here on the streets of Ottawa, including my hair.

Yesterday I fell down for the first time this year. Right downtown on the corner of O’Connor and Slater. I stepped on a patch of black ice and smashed into the sidewalk on my elbow and hip. You’d think my […]

Vote for me and I’ll freeze your taxes

The final round of voting for the Canadian Blog Awards got underway today. I’m actually pretty thrilled that I made it to the finals in a couple of categories, thanks to all of you who voted for me in Round 1.

I know I should be all nonchalant and humble, and pretend I don’t care if […]

A cold miserable monday in January

This morning I considered not walking to work. It was minus twenty-eight degrees with the wind chill and it takes an hour and twenty minutes to walk to work. The combination just didn’t sound all that appealing. Besides, I do have that rare autoimmune disease that is triggered by getting too cold. And it’s not […]

A shocking post

Remember last week when I wondered if the streetcar tracks in Toronto would electrocute me if I stepped on them?

Well, it got me thinking about electricity. I have a morbid dread of electricity going bad, because when electricity goes bad, it can go very bad, very quickly and dramatically, with no warning. With volts, […]