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Be careful what you win

As you may or may not know, I recently won a contest over at the Elgin Street Irregulars blog. The contest was to propose the best idea for a contest. My winning suggestion was to have a pre-contest contest to suggest prizes for the real contest. I know this is complicated, but it’s a meta-blog, which means if they’re going to have a contest, it’s only fitting that it be a contest contest, with a pre-contest to determine the prizes for the actual contest.

I have some brilliant ideas for what the prize should be be for the REAL contest, but I won the pre-contest contest, and the prize for the pre-contest contest is the opportunity to write a guest post on the ESI blog.

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking ‘What the hell kind of prize is THAT?’

A spokesperson from the ESIs contacted me two nights ago and said “Congratulations, you won, do you have your guest post ready?” I stammered something about not having it ready and could I please have an extra day. He replied of course I could have an extra day, but he’d need to smooth things over with the other ESIs, because they’re such sticklers for deadlines.

The pressure intensified as the day went on. I visited the ESI blog and saw my name up in lights, and an explanation from their dog that I was a little delayed but my post would be coming soon and it would be extra-special and brilliant. Brilliant! That’s exactly what I needed to intensify my already-crippling performance anxiety.

Drink wineI’m paralyzed by the pressure. I can’t even write in my OWN blog anymore. All I’ve been able to do is drink wine, weed my garden, deliver babies, and wait for an extra-special brilliant idea.

(If any of you have a spare extra-special brilliant idea, please send it my way ASAP. I don’t know how much longer I can stall those ESIs.)

Weed the garden

Deliver babies

Wait for a brilliant idea

3 comments to Be careful what you win

  • This would have been an excellent posting for us. It’s self-referential and refers to dysfunction.

    If you’d mentioned the excessive drinking and Tourette’s syndrome you’ve started developing, it would be over the top!

  • I’m with Dwarfie. You’ve got this thing nailed. Another hint: Your posting can be really SHORT, and can include CRAFT IDEAS.

  • coyote

    Ya may have noticed that all of this alleged sticklerhood over deadlines may have crippled certain Irregulars, too… in fact, some may already be sitting in with you, in solidarity, over at the Writers’ Block…