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Attention bloggers: why do you blog?

Most bloggers I know are a little puzzled about why we do it. Non-bloggers seem even more puzzled about why we do it.

Darren Barefoot of Vancouver is giving a talk on the subject in February and is asking for input from bloggers. He’s got a 16-question survey: Why Do You Blog?. The survey is quick (5-10 minutes) and thought-provoking.

So. Why DO we blog anyway?

6 comments to Attention bloggers: why do you blog?

  • Thanks for the linkage!

  • John

    If the last comment is any indication, it would seem that bloggers have a lot more to say to the non blogging world than to each other.

  • I looked at the questionnaire and I’ll have to think about a few of the questions first.
    Thanks for the link.

  • This may seem odd, but I have no curiosity about why I blog. It seems like a normal thing to want to do to me.

    There have been things I do that I’ve been curious about. For example, why do I play computer games so much?

    And why did I find it necessary to read over 100 novels about British naval officers circa 1800 over a three-year period?

  • And then there was Descartes in the cafe who, when asked by the waiter if he’d like another coffee, replied, “I think not” and promptly disappeared.

    I liked the questions on the blog survey and it did make me think when asked about how emotional blogging might be to me. So thanks for the link and when I get my act together, I will post sometimes about this too.

  • I love the Descartes joke Julia!

    Dave, I’m totally mystified as to why you read 100 novels about British naval officers circa 1800. However, I do know why you play computer games so much.

    John, good to see you – we missed you at Stuart’s last Thursday!