It was one year ago today that was launched upon its humble journey into the blogosphere.
In the early days, nobody read the blog. Then I got three regular readers who actually left comments and everything – Dakota, David Scrimshaw and Julia. They gave me a reason to keep on blogging. Since then, a few more regulars have come on board.
My first post was about my lost dog, Sam*. Since then, there have been 204 more posts, 491 comments, a migration from Blogger to WordPress, and a multi-version manual WordPress upgrade (it’s still fresh in my mind, I’ll let it go soon, I swear). There are 92 google links to this blog, and technorati lists it as the 315,428th most popular blog in the blogosphere. That stat cracks me up. The most recent visitor to get here through google was searching for a 21-inch penis.
At some point I installed Statcounter, and started watching the daily traffic grow. Yesterday there were 71 visitors to the blog, of which 33 were repeat visitors and 38 were brand new visitors. I think that was close to the most ever, except for the day my blog got accepted into one of the knitting rings. (Speaking of which, you might surmise from the title – – that this would be a blog about knitting. I discovered early on that there’s only so much I can say about knitting. There are blogging knitters [knitting bloggers?] who can write about knitting all the time and actually keep it interesting, but I’m not one of them).
I want to take this opportunity to thank everybody who drifts in, reads my blog, and/or leaves comments. The comments are the icing on the cake. Checking the comments is a little like leaping out of bed on Christmas morning to see what’s in my stocking. My goal for the second year of the blog is to elicit more interaction. In other words, I want more comments! I’ve been blabbering on non-stop for a whole year, and most of you have never said a single word back. Don’t be shy, say something. It doesn’t have to be profound, I’ll be happy even if you just say hi. 😉
*Just to demonstrate what a small world it is: my first post was about my lost dog. The people who found my lost dog, Nik and Michelle, stumbled across my blog a few months later, and are now regular readers. I’m a regular reader of their blogs too. Perhaps even more weirdly, it turns out that Nik and I knew each other virtually 16 years ago from the Internet’s great grand-daddy, the Bulletin Board System (BBS) network.
Good for you! A whole year! and has Sam settled a bit? Will you get him a sitter for a day or two around the actual move? If we ever move, I’m expecting to do that for my dog. You must have lots more boxes stacked around. I’m almost counting the days for you.
“Fun stuff, hunh Bambi” to quote Thumper. You made me think so I looked up my sewing blog and I started it last October 22! Thanks for making me look. I have had 23,000 hits (total, whatever that means) since I installed a counter, I think it was in January. It started very slowly but gained momentum after I joined a web ring. I also think finding comments is like a total bonus. And almost everyone is nice and supportive.
Happy “birthday”!
Happy blogiversary!
You’ve amazed, surprised, informed and entertained me. You’ve made me laugh and moved me with all your wonderful posts the first year; I can’t wait to see what the second year will bring. Keep up the good work
Good blog zoom!
Gillian, Julia and Dakota – thank you for the first comments of the second year!
Gillian – I’m getting the Animal Nanny to look after Sam for about 24 hours during the move. Otherwise he’d have to go through his entire watchdog act every time one of the movers came back into the apartment. Maybe 160 times. He’s too old for that. (I’m too old for that.)
Julia – I’m glad your blogiversary didn’t just slip by unnoticed. We need all the reasons to celebrate we can think of.
Dakota – what a sweet comment – thank you!
Robin, thank you too!
I hope none of you felt pressured to comment by me demanding it of you. 😉
Your demand is my command.
i r back, thanks for visiting boobaloo 
Now that I have figured out this whole thing I look forward to reading and sharing.
Keep up the great work!
Boo, welcome back, I missed you and your blog.
Carole, welcome to the blog and good for you for sticking around long enough to figure it out
I’ll see you tonight at Stuart’s.
Congratulations on your blogiversary!
Woo hoo! I’m special!
We didn’t “find” Sam so much as realize it was him after we saw the poster on the way home. For the life of me I can’t remember why we were at the OHS on Thanksgiving weekend. Poor Sammy. I bet he doesn’t even remember that experience.
Hooray for blogs!
Thank you Kat!
Michelle, you found Sam in the sense that once you called to report his whereabouts, he was no longer quite so lost. We weren’t reunited yet, but I was able to stop looking for him and worrying so much.
Always late to the party, but glad to be here at all.
Happy Blogiversary!
Chantal! Welcome to the other side of the river. 😉
So sorry it took a year to find out about it…happy anniversary and happy belated birthday.
Not your fault Deb – I didn’t actually tell anybody about it for a long time.
[…] As you can see, I got a little more prolific over the last year and you guys got a LOT more prolific. Good work – give yourselves a big pat on the back for me! A few of you might remember from last year’s Blogiversary post, my goal for the second year was for all of you to leave more comments. I didn’t have any goals for myself, just goals for you. […]