I went to see the Cirque du Soleil last night. Quidam! There aren’t enough adjectives to describe this show. It’s a 10-course smorgasborg for the senses, one brilliant, dazzling act after another! It’s a kaleidoscope of magic, music, athletic mastery, eye-popping visual goodies and humour. My favourite acts included the Diablos – four children playing with ancient toys while performing gymnastic feats – and Statue – a couple moving in slow motion while they perform mind-boggling balancing acts together.
But honestly, I was enchanted by just about every act. The German Wheel, the Skipping Ropes, the Aerial Hoops, the Contortion!
My favourite character was Target, a flexible wee imp who remained cheerful despite being a perpetual target.
I can’t imagine anyone being disappointed by Quidam. This is the third time I’ve seen the Cirque du Soleil. The first was about 20 years ago when they performed in a small tent at the site of what is now the Ottawa Courthouse. The second was maybe 8 years ago in a big tent at Lebreton Flats. They were fantastic then, but now they’re flat-out spectacular.
My only complaint? Being forced to leave at the end of the show through the merchandise tent. Obviously they want you to buy their over-priced shirts, umbrellas, masks, hats, CDs, DVDs, ornaments, toys and dresses – but it seems tacky to me to funnel everybody through a bottlenecked store at the end of the evening. (Oh, and my other complaint is my usual complaint. My seat was in the second row, and of COURSE somebody with a gigantic head and shoulders sat in front of me and partially obscured my view. The seats were so close together that if I tried to see around the big head I was invading the space of the person next to me.) Minor complaints, major accolades for the Quidam.
It is so nice to read that you had an amazing time
I love Cirque du Soleil too. They are going to be in Amsterdam this summer with AlegrÃa and if I can afford it, I’ll go