Okay, let’s face it: they’re not sexy, they’re not cool, they’re not new, they’re not in very good shape, and they’re not even particularly well-fitting or comfortable. But they ARE my Lucky Underpants.
Normally I wouldn’t show you my underpants, but I was surprised this week to discover none of my colleagues have Lucky Underpants. They seemed a little charmed by the idea that I DO have lucky underpants, and they made me describe them in detail.
One thing they were curious about was how these particular underpants got elevated to such a lofty status. It’s simple. You just wait until something very lucky happens in your life, and then you check to see what underpants you’re wearing. Those become your Lucky Underpants. After that, you just wear them whenever you have something important happening where you could use some extra luck. Nine times out of ten, your Lucky Underpants will come through for you.
Then they wanted to know why I don’t wear my Lucky Underpants every day. Well obviously it’s because the luck would get all used up and then they’d just be ordinary underpants.
Then they came up with the ludicrous suggestion that I cut my Lucky Underpants into 14 pieces and give each member of the union a piece. I said no: even solidarity has its limits.
Great post! I don’t have lucky underpants either…..I think
Maybe I should pay more attention to my underpants and start wearing old ones again
Who knows, there might be some lucky underpants lurking in the dark somewhere.
Okay, now that’s just weird. On the other hand, they sort of look like MY underpants.
I continue to be stunned by the number of people who go through life without lucky underpants. You have to pick up an awful lot of lucky pennies to generate the equivalent amount of luck as lucky underpants!