In my usual style, I have adopted a new hobby with borderline obsessive zeal. Plants! All it took was 8 windows, a west-facing balcony and a little sunshine, and the possibility of becoming a master gardener sprung to life. (It must have been lying dormant all those years in the dark north-facing apartment.)
As usual, I took a multi-pronged approach to my new hobby: doing research, spending money, and diving right in. I’m now up to my elbows in dirt, pots, books, plants and seeds. I’ve purchased 15 plants in the last week, and I’m in the queue for 14 more books at the library. I’ve got 11 packets of seeds, and 96 little seedling compartments in my seedling trays. I’ve bought regular soil, seedling soil, cactus soil, regular fertilizer and cactus fertilizer. I even bought a begonia bulb. And a begonia. Maybe I’ll take up macrame and pottery.
Here’s my cactus garden. I don’t know how I lived so long without a cactus garden on the back of my toilet.
And here’s my mystery plant. I haven’t found it yet in any of the plant encyclopedias…I’m still ‘leafing through’ them, ha ha. If you happen to recognize it, please let me know what it is.
Great new hobby
And I used to have that type of mystery plant too. I’ve been trying to remember the name, but I can’t
I hope you find it soon!
Hey Dakota, I found out what it is: a silver-nerved fittonia. Very cool name, don’t ya think?
That could be it… the name doesn’t ring a bell, but maybe it is called something completely different over here
It is a cool name though 😀
I have the exact same mystery plant! I’ve been trying to find out what it is and I think it is a silver-nerved fittonia too, but I’m not sure. Just stumbled across your site and thought I’d let you know. =)
How’s yours doing Marie? Mine is fine, but it doesn’t seem to be growing much. I keep it in the bathroom where it gets some humidity and some sunshine. I still love the name more than anything.