crazy creative Yarn Harlot got this insane inspired idea that all the knitters should take on an Olympian challenge during the winter Olympics. We should cast on some herculean project during the opening ceremonies and then knit like fiends for 16 days.
I kid you not, in the very first day since the Knitting Olympics was announced, literally hundreds and hundreds (maybe even thousands) of knitters have leapt at this bizarre opportunity to make themselves even crazier than they already are a nice little hand-knit item.
Then Marmalade, anticipating an enthusiastic but disjointed Canadian response (picture thousands of polite and friendly but isolated knitters, each alone in her three square kilometers of wilderness), thought it might be a good idea for the Canadian knitters to band together into a highly visible and organized Team Canada, so our uniquely Canadian knitting identity doesn’t get dwarfed by those formidably single-minded and competitive American knitters (not to mention the brutish Brits).
So, thanks to Yarn Harlot and Marmalade, I am now officially a member of Team Canada, and scheduled to compete in the very gruelling Clapotis-knitting event. I’d offer to carry a torch or a flag or something, but I have to conserve my energy.
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