Dakota tagged me for a MEME – my very first MEME!
“The rules are simple: now that you have been busted, you must confess to 3 things that you do that others don’t know about.”
Hmmm. Three things that others don’t know about, but which aren’t deep dark secrets (because I can’t tell you those), but which might still be of at least some interest to people. That’s a tall order.
1. I correspond with Paddy Mitchell. Paddy’s serving a few hundred years for robbing banks and escaping from prisons. He was the ringleader of The Stopwatch Gang, and they robbed banks but never hurt anyone. Everyone liked Paddy, even the cops and the media. Paddy’s current cellmate is the guy who sent white powder to all the abortion clinics and threatened to kill all the employees of all the Planned Parenthood offices in North America. (Personally I can’t imagine too many things worse than being locked in an 8×10 cell 23 hours a day, 365 days a year, for 40 years with that guy, but Paddy likes him. )
2. I feel sorry for inanimate objects. For example, when the wind really howls on a brutally cold night, I feel terrible for the trees and houses.
3. I count everything. I count all the stairs I climb, I count how long it takes for lineups to process each person, I count the ceiling tiles in the dentist’s ceiling, I count the number of steps in a block, I count everything. I’ve always counted, and I’ve even had a couple of counting jobs – once I was an inventory clerk (I counted stock) and another time I was an enumerator (I counted voters). I loved reading my son’s Sesame Street book about The Count out loud – “One two three four five six seven eight, EIGHT seven six five four three two one EIGHT seven six five four three two one EIGHT seven six five four three two one, eight beautiful notes!” Maybe I’m obsessive-compulsive…I think counting might be a symptom of OCD. There are six symptoms.
Okay. Now I have to tag three more people to tell us three things they do that others don’t know about. I tag:
Wow! That was the first word that came to mind
This is a very good and interesting Me-Me.
I’m amazed that you correspond with an inmate. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great. Good for you!
And as for counting things….I sometimes do that too, but only on stairs. Although a few days ago I was doing something (don’t remember what) and I was counting that too. Why, not a clue! But counting things can be very helpful, when you are knitting for instance 😉
Okay, I have my response up at my other blog because it’s not really a puppy thing. And no fair! You took two of my obssessions. There have been times when I have felt so bad about the shelves of groceries, just languishing there, that I have had to leave the store. How goofy is that?
Dakota – well I’m glad I came up with something amazing! My background is actually in criminology, and I’ve done a lot of reading/thinking about prisons and prisoners, but Paddy’s the only one I correspond with. Just as an interesting aside, several of my classmates ended up marrying men who were serving life sentences! That’s an odd phenomenon.
Julia – your meme was brilliant and insightful! ;)I’ve been known to buy the last box of something I never eat, just because I felt so sad that nobody chose it.
Awesome! Wow, the Paddy thing is terribly interesting. Also, I think it’s cool that you found a job that allowed you to do something you liked doing anyway…counting.
Unfortunately, I’ve already done this Meme…then I tagged Yoda, who tagged Phil, who tagged Dakota, who tagged you!
Mine was quite boring, though…on purpose, I must admit. 😉
Paula – wow, small world!
By the way, my current job does not require me to count very often (but I do it anyway – nobody can tell).
Dakota, I meant to add that even though counting is useful to knitting, I never quite trust the “background” counting I do – so when the knitting requires me to count, I often have to go back and re-count two or three times. (God, the more I talk about this counting thing, the more convinced I become that I’m afflicted with OCD!)