We’re on the brink of a global infestation of bedbugs. So far they’re making their bedquarters in New York City.
Ah, but rest assured, you’ll probably never see a bedbug:
“People who have bedbugs often never see them alive. The only signs are pepper-like spots of their fecal matter, specks of dried blood on bedsheets, and of course, the bites. The scourge is nearly impossible to eradicate; the creatures can go a year without feeding, they reproduce rapidly and don’t die easily.”
Sleep tight.
Yuck…… I hate seeing pictures of really small creatures
The creepiest crawlies are the magnified pictures of dust mites…they look like dinosaurs.
Finslippyhad a post about bedbugs. Funny stuff.
Ok… those bugs are gross!!! I hope they stay in away from my house!!
I have to tell you this….I had a nightmare about bedbugs last night
Hmm… and after reading your comment, I will probably dream about humungous dust mites tonight. Oh well, I guess I don’t have to watch any horror movies the next few days 
Oops…sorry Dakota…I’m sure the bedbugs won’t travel all the way to your house.