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Hats on Heads

After months of crazy-lady hat knitting, Christmas finally arrived and a number of hats were delivered to their intended heads. I’ve only got a few pictures so far, but will post more pictures of heads in hats in the coming days.

Mom and Arrow in their  Christmas Hats I originally intended these two hats to be mine…but fate intervened and they became Christmas gifts for my Mom and Arrow. They were both delighted when they unwrapped them, so I felt good about my decision. (There’s nothing worse than reluctantly giving away something you love only to realize the recipient is indifferent to it….)

Max in his Christmas Hat This little guy is my nephew Max, and he’s wearing the strawberry hat I knit for him. I love that face!

Arrow and Max Even though they’re not wearing anything handknit, I just love this photo of Arrow and Max.

5 comments to Hats on Heads

  • The hats all look great!

    I offered to make a jean jacket for my 14 year old niece and she tried on the one I was wearing that day and claimed to love the idea. But I totally know what you mean by “reluctantly giving away something you love only to realize the recipient is indifferent”. I am hoping this won’t happen. We’re going to shop for the fabric together and then I’ll custom make it for her. I’ll blog about it too but probably some time in the Spring when she is finished skiing for the year.

    Arrow and Max look very cute, I agree.

  • Dakota

    Great hats for even greater people! They look amazing (the people and the hats I mean).
    And you can tell that they are delighted, their whole face is absolutely glowing :)

    Fantastic picture of Arrow and Max!

  • Julia, she’ll probably love it especially since she already wants it and you’re going to involve her in the fabric-choosing and so on. The only risk I think is her age…their tastes change so quickly at 14! My advice? Sew fast!! :)

  • Dakota, thank you! I think those hats ended up on the right heads…thanks for giving me the push I needed to do the right thing.

  • Awwwwwwwwww! Love the kid shots.

    I think it was generous of you to give those hats, and they look great on the recipients who definitely DO NOT look indifferent to them.