I’ve been so busy knitting I haven’t taken time to update my knitting blog lately. I must confess I’ve been scaring myself a bit with a compulsively maniacal approach to knitting. I’m currently on a hat binge.
I finished Mike’s birthday hat and he says he has become a chick magnet…the girls are all over him whenever he’s wearing the magic hat. It’s a magic chick-magnet twisted rib watchman’s cap, and the pattern is free on the net.
I also finished all these other hats in the last week. The black one and the blue one are Marsan Watchcaps. One is for Ken and one is for James, for Christmas. They’re a nice fast twisted-rib knit. The striped one is for me.
The two strawberries (aren’t they adorable) are for Gavin (age 2) and his little brother Jonas (2 months). I’ll post a picture of them in their hats when I get over there.
Mostly I think I’m just avoiding the cardigan.
I ordered my yarn for my clapotis today. After much much much deliberation (you have no idea), I finally decided on Cherry Tree Hills silk/merino DK. I decided on the Green Mountains Madness colourway, but five minutes after I ordered it, I changed my mind to the Peacock.
Later I found my mind changing again, but I couldn’t bring myself to call her back again. It’s bad enough I have to live with my constantly changing mind, but I really shouldn’t subject strangers to it. I got it from Sandra Singh’s online store – her shipping rates are excellent, her prices are competitive, and her customer service is phenomenal.
The worst part is just now, as I went looking for the pictures to show you the colourways, I wished I had chosen Country Garden
I don’t even knit and I sympathize with the choices. I love yarn – all fibers really. I know, I should learn to knit. Some day. Why not order both colours?
You are too kind! I appreciate your business and changing your mind is not a problem! You’ll love your Silk & Merino in Peacock and next time try it in Country Garden, both are lovely colors. Thanks for promoting my online store and we’re definitely going to have to feature your work in our Customer’s Creations page! Regards, Sandra Singh
Julia, I love the way you think! If you can’t make up your mind, buy ’em both! LOL.
Sandra, I’ve had a string of bad luck with a variety of companies lately – you know, the telephone company, the bank, the satellite tv guys. I usually take the time to write to companies when I get poor service, and I’ve noticed over the past couple of years they don’t even acknowledge those letters anymore. So now I make a point of celebrating when I get unusually *good* customer service, like I got from you. I want the whole world to buy yarn from you!
(oh, by the way, how did you find out so quickly that I’d written something about you?)
hey there,
came across you on 43things. beautiful work and beautiful fibres. thanks for the deets on sandra singh! as soon as i am in a country cool enough to imagine knitting ever again, i’ll put an order in.
take good care,
Nan, thanks so much for the kind words. I see you’re in Tanzania – how exotic! But yes, I can imagine that the stifling heat would stifle even the most unstiflable urge to knit.
I know I take a break from knitting in the summer, but maybe knitting is more appealing during the Tanzanian rainy season? (Do you have any sheep there?)
[…] Remember last year when I knit Mike a Magic Chick Magnet Hat for his birthday? He said he definitely noticed some heightened interest from women whenever he wore that hat (as I predicted he would). […]