My boudoir doll, Eliza, agreed to model Jonas’ strawberry hat, which is very nearly complete. I just have to weave in the ends, then it’s done! It’s adorable. Maybe I’ll whip up another one for Jonas’ big brother Gavin.
Eliza is one of eight boudoir dolls living in my living room, by the way. I found her in Prince Edward Island a few years ago. She originally belonged to a flapper way back in the 1930s.
Beautiful photo! I too, have recently taken up Boudoir dollie collecting. So far I have 5 in my collection. One of the lovely ladies has an original keeneye tag on her and a marking of W-K-S. After researching I realized that Victor Keeney may have been the creator. She has a real human hair wig and attached eyelashes at top and painted on bottom. NO crazing with cloth legs and composition head. Any info on the maker w-k-s? Or other facts about boudoir dollies. I like your blog Blessings from Northern California.:):):):):):):):)
Hi Nicole, welcome to my blog and thanks for commenting. Your boudoir doll sounds lovely, and even more so because of her condition. I believe you’re right about her being a keeneye. You can find more about doll markings here:
I don’t have a lot of tips, but I do know that atmospheric dryness is not good for composition. Try to keep her in a stable environment, not too dry and not too humid. Northern California is probably a healthier place for boudoir dolls than Canada.